Meet the People

Sherrye riding Chex (owned by Mary Fournier) in a demo at Equine Affaire. Photo by Mary Fournier

SHERRYE JOHNSON-TRAFTON is a graduate of Findlay College’s Equine Science Program. In 2005, Sherrye was inducted into the Findlay College Equine Studies Hall of Fame. Sherrye also holds judge cards with the American Quarter Horse Association and the National Reining Horse Association. She is the first carded judge for the Gypsy Horse Registry of America, Inc., an All Breed/All Discipline Open Show Judge, an ARHA, a GHRA, a NEHC, a OHSA, and a New England 4-H “A” judge. She teaches riders of all levels and disciplines and trains horses in a full-board situation. Sherrye travels all over the world judging and teaching clinics and offers equal time and respect to her four-year old beginner students as she does to her advanced equestrians.
Sherrye is the AMeQHA Director Emeritus.
To contact her call 207-650-4499. She would love to hear from you.
You can also visit her personal website at!

Sherrye and Honey (owned by Mary Fournier) at Sable Oak